Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hello Marilu, goodbye heart...

I got my first computer long enough ago that when I went to the local community college to take an Intro to the PC class, it was about DOS. I had been hearing all about the Information Superhighway for a while by then, and was not happy to be left standing in the station. So I bought my first computer at Hecht's in the Columbia Mall, on a whim, and I'm not sure when the computer actually became an addiction, but here we are.

It took another year or more to meet Marilu. I had written a generic message about stenciling to everyone in AOL who had listed stenciling as a hobby, laboriously typing in each and every one of the 112 email addys, and she was one of the few who answered me. Thus began our friendship, which has lasted from then until now. Or, more correctly, from then until yesterday, because Marilu died yesterday. I've been sitting by the computer, tearily waiting for more information about what happened, and when exactly, but I'm not sure I'll ever know more than I do right now. We've lived 3000 miles apart for our entire friendship, and I never met her face to face, or even heard her voice, but she was with me all day every day. Every funny thing that happened was funnier because I imagined sitting at the computer later on and telling her about it. A fight with my husband? Ha! I could count on her to be on my side. Worries, joys, frustrations, she heard it all, and vice versa. I'm selfishly wondering how I will manage without her to talk to. Without her funny commentary on life. She once told me, when I asked her what the heck blogging was, that we basically blogged to each other, and she was right. Getting a message from her, and sharing whatever nuttiness had happened to me, was the best part of the day. So I'm going to continue to write to her here. I hope that one day I'll get a note in return.

I called her the Oracle of Marilu, because whenever I had a question about anything, it seemed that she always knew all about it. Why look things up when you can just ask Marilu? It worked for me. She was a voracious reader, about all sorts of subjects, and I'm not sure that I ever stumped her, except with the Stinkhorns in my yard, she said she never heard of those. I wish I hadn't either. And I've still got the Stinkhorns but I've lost Marilu, what kind of order to the universe explains that?

Life isn't fair, Marilu and I agreed on that... just sayin'.

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